Current Weather Conditions. Station Located 2
miles NW of Beaver Dam, WI. Elev. 888.7 ft. 43° 30' 10" N. 88° 51' 42" W. Updated 11/5/2024 at 04:30 AM |
Temperature: Today's High: Today's Low: Pressure: Wind: Gusting to: Peak today: |
61° F. 61.0° F. at 12:48 AM 60.2° F. at 2:29 AM 29.52 in. Falling slowly S 1 mph 3.0 mph 6 mph at 3:51 AM |
Humidity: Precip last hour: Precip last 24 hrs: Precip Yesterday: Precip today: Precip this month: Precip this year: |
100% 0.02 in. 0.09 in. 0.06 in. 0.03 in. 0.50 in. 30.23 in. |
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